The digital society is characterised by a continuous presence of autonomous systems being pure software systems or cyber-physical systems, which help and support humans in their life activities. Humans can be passive or active, the interaction can be implicit or explicit, and they can be more or less conscious of the presence of digital systems. In this talk, I will focus on the importance to design and develop systems for humanity. In fact, the impact of autonomous systems on social, economic, and political spheres is clear and risky. Then, I will focus on the democratization of the programming and use of autonomous systems in everyday-life scenarios. Specifically, I will describe our experience in making robots accessible to experts of the domain but without expertise in robotics.
- Date: 9:00 am - 11:00 am on 14th August, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Venue: Room C.22, HCMUS Main Campus
227 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Ward 4, District 5, HCMC
Bio: Patrizio Pelliccione is a Professor in Computer Science at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI, Italy). His research topics are mainly in software engineering, software architecture modeling and verification, autonomous systems, and formal methods. He received his PhD in computer science from the University of L'Aquila (Italy). Thereafter, he worked as a senior researcher at the University of Luxembourg in Luxembourg, then assistant professor at the University of L'Aquila in Italy, then Associate Professor at both Chalmers, University of Gothenburg in Sweden and University of L'Aquila. He has been on the organization and program committees for several top conferences and he is a reviewer for top journals in the software engineering domain. He is very active in European and National projects. In his research activity, he has collaborated with several companies. More information is available at
- Please register via:
- Deadline has been extended to August 12th, 2024
- Number of participants: 100 attendees
Contact person: Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Uyen (Email: