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V/v mời đăng ký tham gia hội thảo "Video Understanding: from Representation Learning to Open-World, Long-term Reasoning"

03-08-2022 15:57

Thân mời các bạn đăng ký tham dự Seminar với chủ đề "Video Understanding: from Representation Learning to Open-World, Long-term Reasoning" với sự chia sẻ của TS. Trần Lê Hồng Dũ.

Abstract: Video understanding is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision with various applications, including autonomous vehicles, robot learning, and visual perception. Although we have witnessed multiple works in video understanding in the last few years, there are many more challenging video understanding problems that are still unsolved. In this talk, I will present some of our recent work in video understanding, including cross-modal self-supervised learning of video and audio representations and open-world instance segmentation. Finally, I will speculate on several potential future research directions in this area.

Với thời gian và địa điểm như sau:
  • Thời gian: 10g00, thứ 5 ngày 04/08/2022
  • Địa điểm: Phòng I71, tòa nhà I. 227 Nguyễn Văn Cừ, Phường 4, Quận 5, TP. HCM
  • Link đăng ký tham dự: https://forms.gle/S9ZLTrNgwg9KAzcCA

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