Congratulations to the FIT - HCMUS students for achieving excellent results at the EUREKA 2019 Scientific Research Student Conference with 1 First Prize, 1 Second Prize, and 1 Third Prize. For many years, FIT - HCMUS students have always won the highest awards in this field.
First Prize: Hoang Trung Hieu (class of 2015 of the Honor Program) and Ton That Vinh (class of 2015 of the Honor Program) with the topic "Medical Image Segmentation and Diagnosis" (co-supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Tran Minh Triet and Professor Dr. Do Ngoc Minh from UIUC). This topic was especially supported with 30,000,000 VND by the Fund for Student Research Projects to continue development in the future.
Second Prize: Truong Thanh Dat (class of 2015 of the Honor Program) and Nguyen Hai Trieu (class of 2015 of the Honor Program) with the topic "Recognition in Unseen Domains: Domain Generalization and Its Applications" (co-supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Tran Minh Triet and Associate Professor Dr. Luu Khoa from University of Arkansas).
Third Prize: Le Nguyen Khang (class of 2015 of the Honor Program) and Nguyen Dieu Hien (class of 2015 of the Honor Program) with the topic "An Interactive Platform for Moment Retrieval from Activity Visual Lifelog" (supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Tran Minh Triet).