☘️ Speaker: Dr. Bui Duy Dang
- Time: 3:30 - 5:00 PM, December 11, 2023 (Monday)
- Location: Room I.81 - 227 Nguyen Van Cu, District 5
- Topics:
a. Better state pictures facilitating state machine characteristic conjecture
Lemma conjecture is a tough task in theorem proving. One approach is to use visualization to help Formal Methods experts to conjecture lemma candidates. To be able to do it, a tool called State Machine Graphical Animations (SMGA) is developed to assist the purpose. There are two main tasks in SMGA: (1) designing a state picture template and (2) conjecturing characteristics via observing graphical animations. This talk will focus on the first task and state the reason why it is an important task in SMGA.
b. Applying the visualization approach to the lemma conjecture problem in theorem proving
Lemma conjecture is a tough task in theorem proving. One approach is to use visualization to help Formal Methods experts to conjecture lemma candidates. To be able to do it, a tool called State Machine Graphical Animations (SMGA) is developed to assist the purpose. There are two main tasks in SMGA: (1) designing a state picture template and (2) conjecturing characteristics via observing graphical animations. The talk will focus on the second task and show how such characteristics can be used as lemma candidates in theorem proving.
Interested students can register at https://forms.gle/uraZvT5nV7Z8x8J69
- Number of participants: 15 students
- Registration deadline: Until 3:00 PM Sunday, December 10, 2023
Note: The registration link will close early when the maximum number of participants is reached.
Contact person: Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Uyen (Email: nttuyen@fit.hcmus.edu.vn)